In the framework of cooperation programs between Research and Teaching Higher Education Academy-Committee on Development Cooperation (ARES-CCD) and Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), VNUA announces entrance for Master of Food Technology” (2016 – 2017) as following:

Msc programme:

Training period: 18 months

Programme: 46 credits (9 credits for thesis)

Lecturers: fromEuropean and South-East Universities

Study language: English

Master degree is granted by Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam

Number of students: maximum 20 students/ class

Scholarship and tuition fee

-     12 scholarships consisting of a return ticket, subsistence expenses (5,300,000 VND/month, equivalent to about 220 euro/month) and tuition fee waiver) will be granted by ARES-CDD (4 scholarships from Cambodia, 2 scholarships from Laos, and 6 scholarships from Vietnam. Of which 4 scholarships are from the North, Vietnam and 2 scholarships are from other regions of Vietnam).

-     The other students will pay tuition fee (1500$ / program).

Prerequisites and admission

Candidates should possess University degree in the fields of Food technology, Storage and processing of food, Postharvest technology, Food safety and quality management, aquaculture processing technology.

Candidates with the close branch groups are would be required to learn the additional subjects:  For group 1 (Seafood processingtechnology) with 03 subjects including Food chemistry, Food microbiology, Food processing technology ; for group 2 (Biotechnology, Biology, Biochemistry, Agronomy) with 06 subjects including Food chemistry, Food microbiology, Food processing technology, Food nutrion, Post-harvest technology, Food Safety .

All candidates are required to submit two kinds of documents (in both printed copy and electronic copy), to VNUA and Project Management Board. Documents should be downloaded at Admission document

Address and Deadline for VNUA submission:

All the documents in Vietnamese languague have to be submitted to the“Office of Training Management – Vietnam National University of Agriculture – Trau Quy - Gia Lam - Hanoi - Vietnam” before 21th July, 2016.

(Candidates with the close branches (Seafood processingtechnologyBiotechnology, Biology, Biochemistry, Agronomy) are would be required to submit application document before 15 May 2016 and finish learning 03 - 06 additional subjects before 30 June 2016)

Address and Deadline for Project Management Board submission:

Documents are required to send to the Regional Selection Committee as following addresses:

For Vietnamese candidates:

                   Addresss: Buiding E, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, VNUA, Trauquy, Gialam, Hanoi, Vietnam.

                   Phone: +84/462617712              Email:

For Cambodian candidates:Dr. In Sokneang

                Address: Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC),

                BP 86. Russian Confederation Blvd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

                Tel: (855)23 880370           

For Laos candidates:Mr. Soulignouane/Mr. Oula Bouphakaly

                Address: Division of International Relation, Faculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos    

                Tel:021-870048                           Fax:021-870131

                 Information:    1.Mr. Sitha Khemmarath (; Tel:620- 409764),   

                                       2. Ms. Silinthone Sacklokham (


-     Entrance examination of VNUA (only for Vietnamese candidates) : 22 - 24 August,2016

-     Pre-select and interview in regions (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) 30th August 2016;

-     Inform the selection outcome on 15th September 2016;


Master program will start on 18th October 2016 at VNUA

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