The Use of Information and Computer Technology in a Large

Introductory Biology Course at the University of California, Davis

Speaker: Tom Goliber, from Department of Plant Biology; University of California, Davis

Time: 13g30 - 15g00, 31 August 2012

Place: Room 200B, Cam Tu Building, Nong Lam University

The University of California at Davis has a 3-course introductory biology series and each course enrolls up to 1000 students each Quarter.  Two of the courses - BIS 2B and BIS 2C - each have a laboratory component and offer between 30 and 36 laboratory sections (24 students each) in addition to lectures. This talk will be a demonstration and discussion of some of the technologies we are using in these two large laboratory courses in order to better educate the students, increase efficiency, and maintain quality and consistency across all laboratory sections. 

During the talk we will log in to and interact with the class website ("Smartsite") to demonstrate this, and the technologies to be discussed will include:

 - "Clickers" (wireless transmitters that allow real-time polling and quizzes of students during lectures)

- Online laboratory assignments

- Lecture podcasting

- Online posting of class resources including study guides, exam and laboratory keys, and other audio resources

- Chat room

- Online recording and dissemination of grades


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